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[GNC] 트라이플렉스 패스트 액팅, Triflex Fast Acting
  제조사 : GNC
  판매 가격 : 88,310원 ($65.41)
  용량 : 240정
  제품형태 : 캐플렛
  섭취기간 : 2달분
  수량 :

GNC 트라이 플렉스 패스트액팅 (240 캐플렛)





GNC TriFlex Fast-Acting: Promotes Joint Health
GNC TriFlex Fast-Acting caplets contain ingredients that help support healthy joints. The product's potent ingredients help improve joint discomfort and stiffness and increase flexibility and mobility. The formula features turmeric, a plant originally found throughout Southeast Asia and a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. Ingredients such as Boswellia serrate extract, glucosamine and chondroitin may support improved joint function, comfort and health. This GNC joint supplement also features MSM to help strengthen cartilage. For optimal results, take two capsules, twice a day. The product is most effective when taken with food.   



• Features ApresFlex to help improve joint discomfort, stiffness and mobility
• Contains glucosamine and chondroitin to support joint health
• Includes MSM to promote healthy articular cartilage

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