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[Wyers] 센트룸 멀티 + 뷰티 구미, Centrum Multi + Beauty
  제조사 : Wyers
  판매 가격 : 32,720원 ($24.23)
  용량 : 100정
  제품형태 : 츄어블
  섭취기간 : 1달분
  수량 :

센트룸 멀티 + 뷰티 멀티구미 (100구미)

남여공용 종합비타민 + 피부미용 구미 입니다.





  • One 100 count bottle of cherry, berry, and orange-flavored Centrum Multi + Beauty Women's Multivitamin Gummies, Hair Skin and Nails Vitamins
  • Women's gummy multivitamin that helps maintain hair, skin and finger nail health
  • Women's multivitamins with 12 nutrients for immune support, to maintain strong bones and to support your daily energy needs
  • Women's vitamins that contain biotin, zinc, calcium and vitamins A, B, C, D and E
  • Multivitamin for women made with gluten-free ingredients and no artificial flavors or sweeteners
  • Delicious cherry, berry, and orange-flavored gummy multivitamins for women that are easy to chew
  • Take two beauty gummies every day with or without food or water



하루 2정씩 식사후 섭취하세요.
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