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[Kirkland] 어린이 컴플릿 멀티비타민 구미, Children's Complete Multivitamin
  제조사 : Kirkland
  판매 가격 : 17,550원 ($13.00)
  용량 : 160정
  제품형태 : 젤리
  섭취기간 : 2달분
  수량 :

커크랜드 칠드런 컴플릿 멀티비타민 (160 구미)









Kirkland Signature Complete Children’s Multivitamin Gummies are a perfectly balanced formulation of key vitamins and minerals to support the healthy growth and development of children.
These gummies are wildly delicious! Natural fruit flavors in orange, cherry and green apple are designed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of children who may not be able to get enough vitamins from diet alone.

They provide a perfectly balanced formulation of essential vitamins for:

Healthy Growth and Development
Immune Health Support
Energy Metabolism


Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which assists in many other functions including healthy vision. This essential vitamin is needed to form rhodopsin, an important part of the retina that provides information about color and visual images.

B Vitamins are also in this formula and include B6, Folic Acid, B12, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid. B Vitamins are primarily known for supporting energy metabolism. Each B Vitamin performs a unique role in maintaining proper metabolic functioning. Folic Acid plays a significant role in the formation of new cells by being involved in DNA and RNA synthesis. Natural food sources for B Vitamins include meat such as turkey, tuna and liver as well as eggs, milk and peanuts.

Vitamin C is one of the primary antioxidants in the body where it helps fight free radicals and oxidative stress.† Vitamin C is also important for the functioning of white blood cells, which are vital components of the immune system.

Vitamin D’s major function is to support bone health by enhancing calcium and phosphorus absorption and maintaining healthy blood levels of these minerals.† Adequate Calcium and Vitamin D throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The American Academy of Pediatrics and Institute of Medicine both recommend children and adolescents receive 600 IU of Vitamin D per day. These gummies provide 600 IU of Vitamin D per serving for children 4 and up and 300 IU per serving for children 2 to 3, which helps to secure their intake requirement.
2~3세는 하루 1개, 4세 이상은 2개씩 섭취하세요.
서늘하고 건조한곳에 보관하세요
어린 아이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요
알레르기 체질이거나 특이체질인 경우 성분을 확인후 섭취하세요
본제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닙니다
   No Lactose, No Artificial Flavor, No Yeast or Gluten
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