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[Schiff] 무브프리 울트라, Move Free Ultra
  제조사 : Schiff
  판매 가격 : 48,590원 ($35.99)
  용량 : 75정
  제품형태 : 타블렛
  섭취기간 : 2달분
  수량 :

무브프리 울트라 트리플 액션 (75 타블렛)

















Move Free Ultra Triple Action supports your joints, cartilage and bones in just one tiny pill so you can stay moving and keep up with your daily activities with key ingredients. Ingredients include: Type II Collagen, a protein found in healthy cartilage, hyaluronic acid (HA) and boron.

Benefits of Move Free Ultra Triple Action:

  • TYPE II COLLAGEN is a unique ingredient that delivers better joint comfort, flexibility, and mobility vs Glucosamine Chondroitin pills.
  • HYALURONIC ACID (HA) is the same molecule found in healthy joint fluid and that supports joint lubrication and smooth movement.
  • BORON helps support healthy bones by maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium.


  • Undenatured Type II Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid And Boron
  • Promotes Joint, Cartilage and Bone Health
  • Clinically Proven Joint Support for Better Mobility, Flexibility and Comfort
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