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[GNC] B 컴플렉스 에너지, B Complex + Energy
  제조사 : GNC
  판매 가격 : 32,740원 ($24.25)
  용량 : 120정
  제품형태 : 캡슐
  섭취기간 : 4달분
  수량 :

GNC 비타민 B 컴플렉스 플러스 에너지 (120 캡슐)





GNC B-Complex + Energy: Supports Metabolism and Energy Production

GNC B-Complex + Energy combines 8 key B-vitamins with 100 mg of caffeine to fuel mental alertness and performance. B-vitamins help to convert food to fuel and support metabolism and energy production. Because your body cannot store B vitamins for long periods of time, providing your body with adequate amounts is very important. Caffeine also has thermogenic properties to support calorie burning.

  • GNC B-Complex + Energy contains B-vitamins to support metabolic processes in the body
  • Features 100 mcg vitamin B-12 for energy production and red blood cells
  • Includes caffeine to support focus and mental alertness
  • Gluten free, no sugar, no corn, no soy, no dairy, sodium free
  • No artificial colors, no artificial flavors
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