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[Nature Made] 슈퍼 B 컴플렉스, Super B Complex
  제조사 : Nature Made
  판매 가격 : 41,170원 ($30.49)
  용량 : 460정
  제품형태 : 타블렛
  섭취기간 : 15달분
  수량 :

네이쳐 메이드 슈퍼 B 컴플렉스 (460 타블렛)









Nature Made Super B-Complex Tablets with Vitamin C and Folic Acid for Metabolic Health

Nature Made Super B-Complex with Vitamin C and Folic Acid is a combination of 8 essential B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid and B12), which help support the production of cellular energy in the body. B vitamins are also necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system. Our Super B-Complex formula also contains vitamin C for antioxidant support and to help support the immune system.

  • Helps convert food into cellular energy
  • Vitamin C helps support the immune system
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